Terror über Weihnachten

Es kommen gerade sehr beunruhigende Nachrichten rein: Terror zu Weihnachten 2014 von Walter K. Eichelburg hartgeld.com
Sagen wir es so, ich habe recht interessante Informationen, was sich auf der Terror-Front in Europa abspielen soll. So sollen etwa zur Weihnachtszeit fünf Flugzeuge in Europa durch islamische Terroristen, die als Asylanten bei uns eingesickert sind, vom Himmel geholt werden. Alle grossen Sprachräume sollen davon betroffen sein. Alle Details kann ich natürlich nicht beschreiben. Im deutschsprachigen Raum soll Frankfurt davon betroffen sein.

Es wurde schon öfters in den Medien über solche Anschläge berichtet. Vermutlich bekommen die USA noch grösseren Terror ab, wie im letzten Artikel „Zeit für letzte Crash-Vorbereitungen“ beschrieben.

Dazu gibt es etwa diesen Artikel: „Warning the U.S. Government is Planning Something Fishy With ISIS and Fast! It Could Change Everything Here in America and Here’s Your Proof“:
So if bomb is launched at them that will kill ten million of them, and it will burn their land as much as they burned the Muslim lands this is therefore permissible without the need to mention any other evidence, but other evidence may be needed if we are to perish of them more than this number!

And so like if America at this time; the issue to hit with these weapons [mass destruction] is permissible without mentioning the evidence of the second section the following (evidence of general legality); because Allah Almighty says “to punish in similar fashion as you were afflicted”, and the Almighty says “Attack who attacks you in similar ways as you were attacked,” and the Almighty says “Pay evil with evil,” so the observer sees American aggression on Muslims and their lands during the past decades concludes the permission to use aggression with reciprocity only as has been collected by some of the brothers the number of dead from amongst the Muslims with their weapons of direct and indirect, methods to bring the number close to ten million.

And as for the lands that [America] burned with their bombs and their explosives and rockets not one can enumerate except Allah, and whatever else happened in Afghanistan and Iraq, and this is what caused the wars on many of the Muslims causing homelessness. So if bomb is launched at them that will kill ten million of them, and it will burn their land as much as they burned the Muslim lands this is therefore permissible without the need to mention any other evidence, but other evidence may be needed if we are to perish of them more than this number!” (Page 8)

ISIS will 10 Millionen Amerikaner umbringen? Bisher ist  fast niemand deren Terror-Aufrufen gefolgt. Aber man sollte die Cheney-Warnung vom Oktober ernst nehmen.

Ich tippe nach wie vor darauf, dass MH370 zu Weihnachten mit einer pakistanischen Atombombe über New York erscheint. WE. = (Von Walter K. Eichelburg angemerkt).

Wenn das wirklich simmen sollte ist der 3. Weltkrieg da!

Ein böses Weihnachtsgeschenk pdf